
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

 Quality music is still being made.
 听见 冬天 的离开 我在某年某月醒过来
 我想 我等 我期待 未来却不能因此安排
词 (
 阴天 傍晚 车窗外 未来有一个人在等待
 向左 向右 向前看 爱要拐几个弯才来
 我遇见谁 会有怎样的对白
 我等的人 他在多远的未来
i )
 我听见风 来自地铁和人海
 我排着队 拿着爱的号码牌

 我往前飞 飞过一片时间海
· 我们也曾 在爱情里受伤害

 我看着路 梦的入口有点窄
 我遇见你 是最美丽的意外
  总有一天 我的谜底会解开
Sun Feifei
Advertising is legalized lying.

赫伯特·乔治·威尔斯 H.G.Wells

Late Night Musings

Okay it is not that late. If for some miraculous reason someone's discovered this blog. I know it's rough. It's just an idea, a feeling for a bigger project. When I'm inspired, I make lists:

  • nostalgia
  • childhood
  • history & news
  • cultural shock
  • globalization
  • youth
  • confusion/identity crisis
  • indie scene
  • travel
Liu Wen (simplified Chinese刘雯traditional Chinese劉雯pinyinLiú Wén; born January 27, 1988) is a Chinese fashion model. In 2010, she became a face of Estée Lauder.

Asian Like Me

 “Let me summarize my feelings toward Asian values: Fuck filial piety. Fuck grade-grubbing. Fuck Ivy League mania. Fuck deference to authority. Fuck humility and hard work. Fuck harmonious relations. Fuck sacrificing for the future. Fuck earnest, striving middle-class servility.”
This isn’t the first piece of writing on the bullshits of Asian-America, but it’s the first cover feature on a prominent “non-ethnic” magazine (New York mag) I’ve ever seen. Via

not gonna lie, this freaked me out as a kid. Will always be my favorite anime though.

I was absolutely obsessed with this. kids are easily impressed right?

holy shit guise. remember this? OhMyGod. there were like 6 different spinoffs. I even read that stupid collection of fanfics that somehow got published where Maggie (is that her name)'s boyfriend gets killed or something or another. i'm pretty sure i had a school girl crush on the angsty one with the long hair. but comeon, who didn't? 

Basically, my introduction to a real sense of intellectual superiority. Oh man, spending my allowance buying the latest edition and reading it on the bus, I thought I was so sophisticated. One of the better things I read as an ambitious/shallow wannabe writer. 

Things I Miss:

Remember the first time I read this book. Thought my heart was going to burst. so much melodrama, so much pretentious flowery language. so much adolescent daydreaming. I was what? 12? Gosh it killed me, kinda like the first time a 12 year old girl reads Twilight, but way way more intense. The author was fined for plagiarism a few years ago, was voted China's most hated male celebrity, is still a teen idol.

" 很多年以后,我站在竖立着一块炼泅石的海岸,面朝大海,面朝我的王国,面朝臣服于我的子民,面朝凡世起伏的喧嚣,面朝天空的霰雪鸟,泪流满面。"

ohMYGoodness, this is soooo beautiful i'm going to cryyyy.

His blog:
this is for all you culturally confused kids.
Table for 2 (by Blind-C-Copy)

I wanted this to be my first post. Something about this photo captures the essence of my past, my intrinsic identity perfectly. It is nothing glamorous, nothing confrontational yet for some reason, it illustrates everything I want and everything I thought i left. Somehow I feel that walking through Chicago or NYC one day with men in suits and ties, I'll experience a sudden urge to return to something like this and I am quite certain that it will be there waiting for me when i'm ready.