
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Things I Miss:

Remember the first time I read this book. Thought my heart was going to burst. so much melodrama, so much pretentious flowery language. so much adolescent daydreaming. I was what? 12? Gosh it killed me, kinda like the first time a 12 year old girl reads Twilight, but way way more intense. The author was fined for plagiarism a few years ago, was voted China's most hated male celebrity, is still a teen idol.

" 很多年以后,我站在竖立着一块炼泅石的海岸,面朝大海,面朝我的王国,面朝臣服于我的子民,面朝凡世起伏的喧嚣,面朝天空的霰雪鸟,泪流满面。"

ohMYGoodness, this is soooo beautiful i'm going to cryyyy.

His blog:

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